A key pillar of the research infrastructure is the cross-center "HELMA Pioneer Campus". The HELMA Pioneer Campus is an innovation campus that is essentially run by the "Young Investigator Talents". In analogy to the larger Helmholtz Pioneer Campus already established at Helmholtz Zentrum München, the Pioneer Campus is intended to bring together young talents in the field of biomedical engineering and AI-driven materials development from the various disciplines of biology, biomedical engineering, chemistry and materials science, engineering, physics and computer science. Here, interdisciplinary teams of talented young scientists work together on cutting-edge biomedical and materials technology innovations strongly focussing on autonomous research in self-driving labs from the idea to  implementation.  At our Pioneer Campus we are fostering a dynamic Think Tank culture by the additional recruitment of young student talents at an early stage of their career. Teams of exceptional scientific talent from around the globe will learn and collaborate to create groundbreaking solutions in biomedical engineering, heath technologies and accelerated sustainable materials discovery.

HELMA Pioneer Campus KIT

As the "only" University in the Helmholtz Association, KIT is in a unique position to implement interdisciplinary teaching modules in the relevant degree programs. This includes the Research Oriented Teaching program (RIRO), which explicitly promotes activities for the integration of large research infrastructures into teaching. The aim here is to increase the attractiveness of an interdisciplinary field of research for students, to integrate large research infrastructures more closely into teaching and to establish early contact between the scientists  at these infrastructures in the alliance and the next generation of young talents.

Pioneer Yin
Pioneer Campus

A key pillar of the research infrastructure is the cross-center "HELMA Pioneer Campus". The HELMA Pioneer Campus is an innovation campus that is essentially run by the "Young Investigator Talents".

Think Tank
Think Tank

Young undergraduate talents at an early career stage are collaborating in an innovative Think Tank on novel autonomous technologies and AI methodologies.

Life Long Learning
Life Long Learning

As investments in SDLs for bioengineering and health technologies as well as accelerated materials discovery are high, it is our obligation not only to accelerate innovation but also to offer different learning formats.

Research Oriented Teaching

The  Research Oriented Teaching program explicitly promotes activities for the integration of large research infrastructures into teaching. The aim is to generate the next generation of young talents on autonomous research.
