The Accelerator-based High-Field THz and Electron Pulse Radiation Screening Lab will harness the power of high-repetition rate high-field ultra-short THz radiation and electron pulses from our particle accelerator facilities FLUTE and cSTART. We aim to transform high-throughput biological screening. By integrating automated sample handling techniques from the Helmholtz Demonstrator project for synchrotron radiation beamlines and a adapted version of our successful reinforcement learning-based beam control and analysis, we will create a scalable solution for industry-scale applications, significantly enhancing the speed and reliability of biomedical research and development processes. We will achieve unparalleled efficiency and precision in screening biological samples, e.g., to unveil stem cell trigger signals or biochemical reactions to intense short-pulse radiation in the FLASH effect. Integrated into AbRaLab+ into the SDLs at KIT we will offer unprecedented opportunities for systematic high-precision research for Health.